
I'm a PhD student at Imperial College London in the Functional Programming (FP) group. Here's some stuff I am interested with, in no particular order:
- Modal Logic
- Type Theory
- Programming Language Semantics
- Semantics of Metaprogramming
- Program Logics
- Computational Effects
- Foundations of Mathematics
- Category Theory
- Homotopy Theory
- Philosophy of Computation
- Formal Theorem Proving (Lean & Agda)
- Cooking & eating, particularly the latter
I did my masters in Logic at the ILLC in Amsterdam, with my thesis on Homotopy Theory of Computable Spaces. Specifically, I studied the model & path category theory of equilogical spaces and QCB spaces. You can also see the slides of the thesis defense.
I did my bachelors in Computing also at Imperial. You can find my bachelor's thesis here - its about the connection between staged metaprogramming and modal provability logic.
My email is alyssa[dot]renata19[at]imperial[dot]ac[dot]uk.
Recent Posts
- Type Inhabitation in Template Haskell - December 24, 2021
- A simple lesson from Skolem's "paradox" - July 2, 2021
- Primitive Recursion in Haskell - January 10, 2021
- Learning Scala from a Haskell perspective - January 3, 2021
- Setting up this blog using Hakyll - December 15, 2020
… or you can find more in the archives.