Learning Scala from a Haskell perspective

Posted on January 3, 2021

Next term, we will be doing a group compiler project. We’ve agreed on using either Scala or Kotlin (we want a JVM language, just not Java). I’m leaning towards Scala for its emphasis on functional programming, so this will be my exploration of Scala where I note down interesting things. I will attempt to make comparisons between Haskell and Scala concepts, and talk about where the comparison breaks down too. This will mostly act as a reference for myself, but hopefully other people might find it useful.

SBT - Scala Build Tool

SBT is a project manager like Stack - it manages the Scala version and dependencies to be used by a project, as well as provide an interface for compiling, running and testing your project. Here are the commands and their stack versions (though they’re mostly the same):

SBT Stack
sbt clean stack clean
sbt compile stack build
sbt test stack test
sbt run stack run
sbt console stack ghci

Values and Variables

val identifies an immutable variable (value) whereas var identifies a mutable one:

val x = 1 //immutable
x = 10 //illegal

var y = 0 //mutable
y = 2 //legal

In this example, types are implicitly inferred from the values contained in the variables. However, variable types can be explicitly given if desired:

val x: Int = 1
var y: String = "hello"

The type of a var is fixed upon declaration, but if you allow Scala to infer the type then it will infer the most specific type possible (it seems).

Sticking to val would be good for doing pure functional programming ala Haskell, since they cannot be reassigned (although it might still be possible to assign a mutable object to a val - in which case its not immutable “all the way”). On the other hand, vars may be reassigned. The new value must have a type matching the variable, which might be implicitly derived from the original value.

var y = 1
y = "hello"

error: type mismatch;
 found   : String("hello")
 required: Int

Control Structures

All control structures in Scala return a value 1, because Scala is an expression oriented language. This allows for them to be used flexibly either as “pure” values, or as imperative-style constructs (in which case the unit type is returned, signifying a non-meaningful value). Although, you can always be evil by including side-effects and return a value at the same time.

If-Else & Case expressions

As a first example of flexibility, we can use if-else ala Haskell to define a value.

// Note to self: remember to bracket your conditional and not use a "then"
val x = if (y < 10) y else "too big"

The type of x will be inferred to be Any, the most specific type supertyping both Int and String. If both alternatives had the same type (e.g. Int), then x will be of type Int.

However, we can also use if-else as an imperative top-level construct:

// Use brackets to run multiple expressions in body
// last expression in brackets is the one returned
if (y < 10)
else {
  println("This number is:")
  println("too big")

Although we don’t use it, this returns the unit type as printing returns no meaningful value.

This flexibility also applies for case expressions, which uses the keyword match:

// Use it like Haskell case expressions
val x = y match {
  case 1 | 2 | 3 => "small"
  case 4 | 5 | 6 => "medium"
  case _ => "large"

// Or use it imperatively
y match {
  case 1 | 2 | 3 => println("small")
  case 4 | 5 | 6 => println("medium")
  case _ => println("large")

One additional feature is to match different subtypes on each case. This is not possible in Haskell where there is no subtyping. To do this, just add a type annotation on the pattern match:

y match {
  case n: Int => n + 1
  case str: String => str + " + 1"
  case x => x // otherwise, don't modify it


While loops are purely imperative: they always return the unit type. With the exception of having a (vacuous) return value, they seem to just be good ol’ Java while loops.

while (y < 10) {
  y += 1
  y // This return value is ignored, while-loop always evaluates to Unit

In Scala, the only for loops are foreach loops. They also return the unit type, although they can pattern match on collection elements unlike Java foreach loops:

val numberPairs = List((1,2),(3, 4))

for ((left, right) <- numberPairs) println(s"$left VS $right")

At first glance, this pattern matching notation (with the arrow and all that) really screams list comprehension. Lo and behold, we can use foreach loops as list comprehensions by adding the keyword yield:

val numberPairs = List((1,2),(3, 4))

for ((left, right) <- numberPairs) yield left + right

This will return a collection of left + rights. And if you really want to be evil? Do other stuff inside the yield before returning:

for ((left, right) <- numberPairs) yield {
  x += lef≡t
  left + right

For loops and do notation

It turns out, the list comprehension-y feel of for expressions makes a lot of sense. This is because they are just syntactic sugar for a series of calls to the following methods:

I’m not sure if these are the actual types of the methods (or if they’re even syntactically correct), but I think they carry the concept just fine. These functions are encapsulated in the Iterable trait, which means any class extending the trait can be for looped (notice that the type of flatMap is the same as (>>=)). You can also just implement these methods without becoming an iterable. Anyway, here are some examples of desugaring that I found on StackOverflow.

desugar[for(x <- c1; y <- c2; z <-c3) {...}]
  ≡ c1.foreach(x => c2.foreach(y => c3.foreach(z => {...})))

desugar[for(x <- c1; y <- c2; z <- c3) yield {...}]
  ≡ c1.flatMap(x => c2.flatMap(y => c3.map(z => {...})))

desugar[for(x <- c; if cond) yield {...}]
  ≡ c.filter(x => cond).map(x => {...})

desugar[for(x <- c; y = ...) yield {...}]
  ≡ c.map(x => (x, ...)).map((x,y) => {...})

In particular, notice the parallel between the second example and Haskell’s do-notation:

  x <- c1
  y <- c2
  z <- c3
) yield {...}

  x <- c1
  y <- c2
  z <- c3
  return ...

and their desugarings:

c1.flatMap(x => c2.flatMap(y => c3.map(z => {...})))

c1 >>= (x -> c2 >>= (y -> c3 >>= (z -> return ...)))

These are just monads! They’re even exactly the same length! Although the condition does seem to be stronger as filter is required as well. From these examples, I tried to piece together the desugaring mechanism:

desugar[for (a <- ma; b1; b2; ...; bk; ...) {...}] 
  ≡ ma.desugar[b1]
      .foreach((a, c1, ..., cj) => desugar[for(...) {...}])

where each b has to match either c = expr or if cond. c1, ..., cj is the list of assigned variable cs that appear in the bs. Now, here’s how bs are desugared:

// in this context, c1 .. cj are any previous assignments
desugar[c = expr]map   ((a, c1, ..., cj) => (a, c1, ..., cj, expr))
desugar[if cond]filter((a, c1, ..., cj) => cond)

We also need a base case:

desugar[for (a <- ma; b1; b2; ...; bk) {...}]
  ≡ ma.desugar[b1]
      .foreach((a, c1, ..., cj) => {...})

For loops that yield require the use of flatMap and map instead.

desugar[for (a <- ma; b1; b2; ...; bk; ...) {...}] 
  ≡ ma.desugar[b1]
      .flatMap((a, c1, ..., cj) => desugar[for(...) {...}])

desugar[for (a <- ma; b1; b2; ...; bk) yield {...}]
  ≡ ma.desugar[b1]
      .map((a, c1, ..., cj) => {...})

Functions VS Methods

In Scala, functions are values but methods are not. Functions can be defined using anonymous functions

val add = (x: Int, y: Int) => x + y

// If you want a curried version:
val add = (x: Int) => (y: Int) => x + y

or placeholder syntax.2

val add = (_: Int) + (_: Int)

On the other hand, methods are defined using the def keyword. However, they cannot be assigned to a val or var as they are not values.

def addM(x: Int, y: Int) = x + y
val add = addM

error: missing argument list for method addM
       Unapplied methods are only converted to functions when a function type is
       You can make this conversion explicit by writing `addM _` or `addM(_,_)` 
       instead of `addM`.

As mentioned in the error message, methods cannot be assigned to variables, but they can be converted to functions. This conversion can be done by either adding an underscore in front of the function (addM _) or by applying the method to placeholders. The former method is called η-expansion. We can see how it works by checking the type:

:type addM _
(Int, Int) => Int

// Curried version:
def addM(x: Int)(y: Int) = x + y
:type addM _
Int => (Int => Int)

When passing in a method to a higher-order function, it will automatically expand it for you without having to use an underscore.

  1. This is not technically correct as using return is specifically reserved for functions, but its nice to think about it like that.↩︎

  2. I have to explicitly type the placeholders as there’s no context for their type here. When passing a placeholdered expression to a higher-order function, Scala should be able to infer the placeholders’ types, removing the need for this.↩︎